The importance of connective marketing

Today more than ever before people want to feel like they belong, like they are part of something. Brands have become a huge part of people’s personal identities, and consumers are leaning more towards aligning with brands that they have an emotional connection to. This starts with listening to what issues your customers are facing… […]

Finalists in the Elevator Awards 2022

We are thrilled to announce that Prospect 13 has been shortlisted as a finalist in this years Elevator Awards in the category of “Business Success Under 5 Years”. Elevator, champions Scotland’s vision of becoming a world-leading entrepreneurial and innovative society, and for over 20 years, the Elevator Awards has been recognising and celebrating outstanding entrepreneurial […]

Why you should try collaborative marketing

Lately, you might have seen the Greggs x Primark collaboration and thought to yourself… Why on earth would they do that? Well, let us tell you why so many brands jump on the ‘collab train’ and how you can utilise it for your business…. First things first, what is collaborative marketing? By doing so, both brands can […]

Proud new sponsors of Westdyke Community Club U14’s!

The P13 team is delighted to announce we are now a proud sponsor of Westdyke Community Club U14’s. The local club has been involved with coaching and training of numerous boys, girls, men, and women since 1996, and now continues to run teams from age 4 to adults in all age groups. Along with their […]

Meet Cerri!

black and white image of woman with shoulder length hair

Here at Prospect 13, we pride ourselves in being a team that is passionate and proud of everything we do. That’s why we think it’s about time you got to know the people who are at the heart of it all with a ‘meet the team series’. You’ve met Lisa and Jen, now it’s time to meet […]

What makes a good website?

A ‘good website’ is subjective but there are some things that you can consider almost guaranteed to improve your business website. There are currently 1.18 billion websites and over 50 billion webpages on the internet. It is hard to even compute just how much data that is and even harder to comprehend the volumes of […]

Meet Sarah!

woman with dark hair pulled back

She has been part of the team for over a year now, so we thought it was time to get to know her properly. Sarah is part of our digital team and working closely with clients to maximise their social media potential and enhance web performance. Tell us a bit about you? I am a […]

Is PR still relevant today?

woman reading newspaper in front of pink wall

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about PR? Back in the day we bet your first thought may have been ‘newspapers’, but in today’s world, PR is so much more than that – think PR stunts, personal branding, influencers and much, much more! Now don’t get us wrong PR is […]

The top marketing questions in 2022

top marketing questions 2022

Marketing is the glue that binds consumers to companies, creating first impressions and long-lasting relationships. Implementing a marketing strategy will help to make customers aware of the products and services that you have to offer, however, a good marketing strategy will also attract and engage your target audience, influence their buying decision, and position you […]

Introducing Sarah

woman with dark hair pulled back

Meet Sarah Kelly our Digital Marketing Assistant with us on placement from Robert Gordon University… Tell us a bit about you? I am from originally from Edinburgh but have been living in Aberdeen since 2017 whilst studying at Robert Gordon University. Initially, I was studying Biomedical Science at university but quickly realised I was not […]